
We will always try and find foster homes for siblings where they can stay together, as long as this is in each of their best interests.

Nexus Sibling Fostering


More than 12,000 children in care are living without at least one of their siblings. Going into foster care can be traumatic for a child, and being separated from their siblings can worsen this. That is why Nexus Fostering will always try and find foster homes for siblings where they can stay together, as long as this is in each of their best interests.

What do I need to foster siblings? 
  • To foster sibling groups, the main things you need are time and room in your home. 

  • Caring for more than one child means you will go to more appointments with professionals and school meetings, and they might be in different schools, depending on their age. 

  • You will have the support of your Nexus Fostering social worker and your local office, who are on hand to offer any advice you might need.  

Is fostering siblings more of a challenge?  

Initially, siblings often find it easier to settle into their foster carer's home because they have each other for reassurance and familiarity. 

Ready to talk about fostering?

Get in touch with us today for a friendly chat

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Other types of fostering

fostering short term

Short term

Short-term fostering is when a child or young person lives with a foster family on a temporary basis.

fostering P&C

Parent & Child

Parent and Child (P&C) fostering is about keeping young families together, where a parent and child stay with you when they need extra support. In most cases, the child is very young.

Parent & Child
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The aim is to offer children a secure, stable, and loving home to last through childhood and beyond, providing a sense of security, continuity, commitment, identity, and belonging.
