The basis of fostering children with disabilities is the same as every other; to provide a safe, loving home for a young person.
We have foster carers with experience and expertise in caring for children with additional needs, including profound disabilities.
The basis of fostering children with disabilities is the same as every other; to provide a safe, loving home for a young person. With disability fostering, that young person might have special educational needs, Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Global Development Delay, or various physical disabilities.
As a foster carer looking after a disabled child, you will have access to relevant training and information. You will advocate for your young person to ensure they get the best quality of life and education.
You must be willing to undertake training; in some cases, your home may need to be adapted appropriately.
It is not easy fostering a child with special needs, but it is hugely rewarding, as our foster carers will tell you.
"Fostering a child with a disability - If we can do it anyone can."
I've been caring for a boy with down syndrome and multiple medical needs. When he came to me at 10, he wore nappies day and night and had limited speech. Now, he attends his special needs school and has shown remarkable progress in appearance, social skills, and speech. He is no longer in nappies and is always happy and helpful at school.
How we support a little girl with her disability and love seeing her big smile.
Short-term fostering is when a child or young person lives with a foster family on a temporary basis.
Short-termMore than 12,000 children in care are living without at least one of their siblings. Going into foster care can be traumatic for a child, and being separated from their siblings can worsen this.
SiblingsThe aim is to offer children a secure, stable, and loving home to last through childhood and beyond, providing a sense of security, continuity, commitment, identity, and belonging.