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We transferred and we’ve never looked back!

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Foster carer shares why they transferred to Nexus Fostering after being foster carers for six years and how they now find fostering with Nexus Fostering.

Transferring to Nexus Fostering

Initially, we were unaware that we could even change to another agency, but luckily we heard about Nexus Fostering through a social worker, so we contacted them. We were unhappy with the lack of support we were receiving at the time before we transferred to Nexus. Sandra came out to talk to us and told us all about the agency. She listened to our concerns about the agency we worked for.  There was no pressure placed on us to join and we were advised to consider all our options, and also what we would need to do if we wished to transfer to Nexus.

We knew it was the right move for us, so we resigned from our previous agency and got the ball rolling to join the Nexus Fostering team.  Luckily our placement with the previous agency had ended so we could start afresh but it would have been possible to transfer the children across.

Transferring to Nexus took almost a year by the time we completed the form F and for all the references and checks were completed, slightly longer than we anticipated, but finally we went to panel where we were approved as carers for Nexus. Within days we were being offered placements, and we accepted our first placement two months after being approved and haven’t looked back since!”

Consistency, reassurance, praise and support

It has been a completely different experience for us from our previous agency. We now have consistency, reassurance, lots of praise and support.  We have guidance when required and we are made to feel that we are important, too.  Any issues are dealt with promptly and resolved.

The staff & management are fantastic and all approachable, which with my previous agency we could never even speak to management.”

We have recommended Nexus to quite a few friends and shall continue to do so.


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Fostering stories


  • Foster Carer
  • Long-term fostering
  • Transferring
  • Advice

Date published

21 September 2016

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