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South West office holds its very own NexFest festival

Nexus Fostering hold their very own Nexfest festival event

South West office at Nexus Fostering hosts its very own Nexfest festival event. 


Nexus Fostering South West organized "NexFest," a festival-themed event in Gloucester. Inspired by the name Nexus Fostering and the concept of a festival, the event invited staff members, foster carers, children, young people, and their support networks. Described as a celebration to unite the fostering community, the event aimed to build connections and strengthen relationships within the community.

Held at a nearby rugby club, thanks to the generosity of foster carers, NexFest facilitated integration among foster carers dispersed across different areas. It provided an opportunity for one-on-one interactions, sharing knowledge and experiences, and creating bonds among children and young people in a relaxed, fun environment.

The event featured food, drinks, a samba band (including one of the office administrators), bouncy castles, face painting, and outdoor activities, all under favourable weather. Katie, a team member, emphasised the importance of foster carers, stating, "Our foster carers are the foundation of why we do what we do... Bringing them all together is what it is about."

The South West team received some lovely feedback from Assistant Director Sally who attended the event.

“A genuine thank you for today! It was lovely to see so many staff, carers, children, and young people joining in such a family event and experiencing the atmosphere of a village fete! Everyone there looked so relaxed in the sunshine- eating hotdogs, cake and ice cream and talking together. New foster carers and old, and carers yet-to-be.

Thank you for the band, which set a celebratory mood for the afternoon. Thanks to our caregivers for the venue and the food. Thanks to everyone for the bubbles, glitter, and fantastic face painting, whether you were creating them or wearing them! Most of all, thank you for bringing out the companionship and laughter that were shared between so many. It was truly the sense of Nexus Fostering at its best. Let’s do it again!”

Follow the link for more information about the South West team - Gloucester | Nexus Fostering 




  • In person
  • Foster Carer
  • Young person
  • Social
  • Events
  • Support
  • Birth child(ren)

Date published

10 July 2024

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