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My role as a Social Worker at Nexus Fostering

Lien Race 1

We caught up with Lien, a Supervising Social Worker from our Cambridge office, to learn more about her love of social work, why she got into the role and how she supports our foster carers.


Why I do what I do

I am one of the Nexus Supervising Social Workers within the Central Cambridge Team, being part of the Nexus Family for three years.

My drive to pursue a career in Social Work comes from a love for connecting with people and the enjoyment from socializing. Growing up, I saw my mother's passion for nursing, and I believe that her dedication and compassion have influenced me in certain ways, creating a desire to follow in her footsteps in the helping profession.

I also enjoy a good challenge (which you can easily find in Social Work!), and I am driven by the desire to make a positive impact and help others.

I'm also super interested in what makes us tick as humans and how our complicated brains influence our thoughts and actions. I like to dive into qualitative info and seek out potential solutions and strategies that can improve the well-being of individuals.


Day in the life

My daily routine as a social worker is different every day. It varies depending on the day's demands. I could find myself out on the road for face-to-face meetings (e.g. regarding the young person's education), or I might be driving around for formal supervision sessions with our Foster Carers and catching up with their young people. Some days, I'm at home or in the office, tackling administrative tasks, like drafting reports and recordings. While I often plan my days, I also must be ready to pivot when urgent support for Foster Carers and young people arises. One thing is for sure – change is constant, and flexibility is key!


Difficult situations

First and foremost, I share the responsibility with my Team Manager and ensure to discuss any worries and concerns carefully. Taking a step back is crucial; it gives me the mental space and time needed to reflect on the situation and figure out the best way to move forward.

I try to focus on celebrating the small, positive steps we've achieved in the past as a source of motivation

Reconnecting with the core values that drove me to social work is helpful too.


Support for foster carers

  • Regular formal supervisions scheduled every two weeks, three weeks, or monthly. These sessions help Foster Carers fulfil their main role in nurturing the growth and well-being of our young people. We work together to promote the physical and emotional development of the children, create a stable and secure environment, and ensure their safety.

  • Identifying and mobilizing additional support resources when needed, such as connecting them with Nexus Therapists or other relevant services.

  • Serving as a sounding board and offering a listening ear in their day-to-day practice.

  • Reminding them of the exceptional work they are doing and helping them recognize and appreciate their contributions!


What qualities foster carers have

  • A warm, caring, and empathetic personality.

  • Strong communication skills.

  • Dedication and perseverance.

  • Patience to provide consistent support and care.

  • Reflective skills and a professional curiosity.

I would like to mention that it's been a real delight to meet lots of people who are incredibly passionate about what they do, driven by an authentic desire to make a positive difference to others.


It has been equally inspiring to get to know our remarkable young people. They often carry a heavy load of challenges, but their resilience and determination to keep moving forward are truly admirable.

Want to find out more about how you can support our young people?

Careers | Nexus Fostering


Fostering insights


  • Advice
  • Social Worker
  • Foster Carer

Date published

23 October 2023

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