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London foster carer Samar shares insight about Nexus Fantasy Football League

Nexus Fostering's Fantasy Football League has a positive impact on the children and young people

Nexus Fostering Fantasy Football League

Our wonderful participation team at Nexus Fostering offer an opportunity for our children, young people, foster carers, and colleagues to be part of our very own Fantasy Football league. With our children and young people always at the heart of everything we do, this initiative has not only fostered a vibrant sense of camaraderie across Nexus Fostering, but has also brought about meaningful connections and growth among our families and the young people we work with.

Foster Carer Samar shares her testimonial

As the premier league is concluded, we wanted to share a remarkable testimonial from one of our dedicated foster carers in the London area.

Samar, shared an inspiring account of how the Fantasy Football league has become a cornerstone of bonding and development for the boys in her care. Samar has 2 UASC and the competition has offered them a unique opportunity to come together, strategize, and engage in healthy competition, steering their attention away from video games and fostering a more active and social form of entertainment.

Samar said “It is healthy for the boys and gives them a good bonding opportunity. It occupies them away from video games as they are talking about it.”

Samar emphasized the inclusivity of the Fantasy Football initiative, highlighting its positive impact on all children, including Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children (UASC).

“They have used math skills to work with the budget and problem solving as they must adapt their team around a budget. It has also helped the boys with their English skills, and they are curious to learn more about the fantasy football league.”

This initiative serves as a powerful reminder of how sports and team activities can transcend cultural and linguistic barriers, creating a welcoming and engaging environment for everyone.

We welcome our colleagues, children and young people, and foster carers to get involved in the next league. The Nexus Fantasy Football Competition is more than just a game; it's a platform for learning, growth, and connection. It showcases the importance of teamwork, both on the fantasy football field and in our daily lives. Let's continue to support such initiatives, recognizing the positive impact they have on our young people and our community.

Next up you can continue reading about our efforts within the community: Nexus Fostering sponsor Telford Club Randlay Colts JFC U13’s new kit

If you would like to find out more about what we offer as a fostering agency to our children and young people. Click here.




  • Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children
  • Support
  • Events
  • Young person
  • Foster Carer

Date published

13 June 2024

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