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Fostering - It’s the best thing I have ever done

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Couple who began fostering and transferred their previous skills from working with a diverse range of people in a multicultural society. 


How long have you been fostering, and how long have you been with nexus fostering?

We have been fostering since June 2018, and we started our journey with Nexus Fostering.

Why did you choose to foster with nexus fostering?

A friend recommended Nexus and they had an outstanding Ofsted rating

What did you do before fostering, and has this given you any transferable skills?

I have worked for GP surgery, hospital clerical jobs, support worker, Head of Security for a crowd management company. Nottinghamshire Police support officer, and clerical at an inner city secondary school. My partner was in the Army and is a Prison Officer and retained Fire fighter.

These jobs have given us many transferrable skills; communication, diversity, restorative justice, role play. Working with a diverse range of people in a multicultural society. We also know about data protection and safeguarding which are essential in fostering.

What do you think are the benefits of fostering, for you and for the young person?

We get to show love and care to children who otherwise may never experience it. The children hopefully will feel safe and secure and have the chance to develop in a safe environment. Maybe we can even bring a little normality to their lives.

What did you find most rewarding?

Seeing the change in ‘L’ she was so shut down when she came and now she will cuddle and laugh!

What is your fondest memory from one of your placements?

‘A’ taking her first steps and ‘L’ really laughing for the first time!

We get to show love and care to children who otherwise may never experience it.
If you could describe fostering in 3 words, what would they be?

Challenging, motivating and rewarding

How have nexus fostering supported you in your fostering journey?

They have always been there when we need them, that’s the most important thing you can do!

As part of a fostering family, how did your own family find bringing a foster child into their home?

Our son has embraced it. He has grown up massively. Even his teachers have commented. Our extended family have all treated our foster kids as part of the family.

What is the main message you would like to get across to someone who is thinking about becoming a foster carer?

It will completely change your life. It will take over your life. It will be heart breaking. It will be a rollercoaster in ways you won’t expect. And it’s the best thing I have ever done.


If you are ready to change your life by becoming a foster carer get in touch - Contact Us | Nexus Fostering


Fostering stories


  • Foster Carer

Date published

03 December 2018

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