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Craig & Julie - 'Our milestone transition in transferring to Nexus Fostering'

Julie and Craig celebrate 1 year since transferring fostering agencies

Norfolk couple reflects one year on from transferring fostering agencies to Nexus Fostering.

Our commitment to our young people.

We are pleased to share the remarkable progress and success stories from the past year, highlighting our commitment to fostering positive outcomes for the children and young people in our care.

One of our significant achievements includes transferring agency to Nexus Fostering. This transition marks a milestone in our continuous effort to provide the best possible support for the children in our care, and we have not looked back with the support of our Supervising Social Worker, Jo.

Celebrating Personal Growth and Development.

This year, we have been incredibly rewarded by witnessing the personal development and growing confidence of the young people in our care.

We have seen a young person mature and become more secure in her relationship with us, recognising that she can belong to two families without feeling guilty. This emotional growth has been an important step in her journey.

During this time, they have become increasingly involved in Norfolk’s In Care Council (NiCC) team. Her dedication is evident as she has participated in a school play, successfully completed her Duke of Edinburgh (DoE) bronze award, and started part-time work on Saturdays. She also recently participated in a week-long workshop in a Theatre.

We are also proud of another young person who took a lead role in his end-of-year school play and was recognised by staff for his incredible achievements since joining the local junior school. His successful transition to secondary school, along with his commitment to studies, becoming a school librarian, and taking personal responsibility for his friendships, have all been notable highlights. His voice is being heard and respected within the school community.

Watching their young people flourish.

Moreover, we have seen a reduction in some of the most challenging behaviours of one of our young people, including hypervigilance and dysregulation. This has allowed her to work more effectively in school and participate in extracurricular activities, such as joining a Theatre Club and being involved in a recent production.

These achievements underscore the resilience and potential of the young people in our care. We are committed to continuing to support their growth, ensuring they have the opportunities and encouragement needed to thrive.


Have foster carers Julie and Craig helped inspire you to want to make a difference? Get in touch to begin your fostering journey - Contact Us | Nexus Fostering 


Fostering stories


  • Foster Carer
  • Teenager
  • Therapeutic
  • Advice
  • Support
  • Social Worker
  • Long-term fostering

Date published

22 August 2024

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